What's this for?
This tutorial will show you how to create a custom template that you use to print:
Shipping note
Packing sheet
Advice note
If you need to pack jobs in small batches and track how many units are shipped on each packing slip refer to the article below:
What you should know
You can set-up custom templates for printing and sharing.
You can print create a custom template (for any of the above use cases) and select the template from the print menu, from and Invoice or a Job.
If you need a specific/dedicated shipping solution you can use our shipping. module/board.
Go-to the settings area in Backoffice.
Click Templates from the side navigation list.
Click +New template.
Select Job (this is assuming you want to print from a Job not an Invoice).
Locate the Template properties section in the left side
Enter a friendly name in the Name input such as Packing Sheet.
Under Title override enter PACKING SHEET (or ADVICE NOTE).
Under Due by select No (unless you want to show the due date).
Under Expires select No.
Edit the Customer name, email, phone address options to meet your requirements.
Under Reason select No.
Under Hide title select No.
Under Summary select No.
Under Notes select No.
Under Terms select No.
Under Price list select Inline.
Under Hide prices select Yes.
Under Hide QTY select No.
Under Job ID label enter JOB/ADVICE No.
Edit the properties to adjust your template settings and layout.
Click Save.
This will preview your document in the preview screen. You can edit/adjust the settings to meet your specific requirements.
How to add a signature box and terms/declaration of pick-up to your packing sheet.
Edit the template (you created above).
Under Terms select Yes.
Under Signature box select Yes.
Under Custom terms click the three dots to open the text editor and paste your collection/pick-terms. These are the terms the customer is agreeing to when they receive items.
Click Save.
How to save a signed paper copy with the JOB for historical reference.
After the customer signs the packing sheet
Take a photo of the document.
Locate the job in back-office.
Scroll down to attachments.
Upload the photo, or use the QR code option to send directly from your phone.
How to collect signatures when parts are collected
When customers collect items from your business you may require them to sign a release so they accept the work you have carried out and understand/comply with your terms of business.
Open the job to be signed in back office.
Scroll down to the terms section.
Click the Sign box.
Ask the customer to sign on screen
Download a copy of the signed document either to your project drive or local computer. This will keep a historical copy of the signed PDF and terms, if you choose the project folder option a copy will be stored in the customers file for future reference.
You can select which template is used before you download a copy.
How to print your packing sheet
Open a JOB for this example use Backoffice although you can use JDS.
Click Print on the document bar.
From the print window select the template you just created from the drop down list.
Click Print.
How to automatically print the packing sheet when you move a Job to Pick-up or ship.
To do this we set-up a macro button on the step(s) preceding shipping and create a macro to nudge the Job to the Pick-up or ship stage, then print our custom template using Print Node. Note you need Print Node set-up and working to make this work.
Go-to the Jobs board.
Click Show menu.
Click Board set-up.
Click Workflow on the top tabs.
Hover over the stage row and click the add macro + button.
In the macro editor click Add button.
Name the Macro "Pick-up".
Under Section 3 - Use the Integrations API to send the command to Print Node to print, Select the printer and the template we created above (Packing sheet)
Under Section 5 - set the status of the Job to Pick-up (Or whatever the stage you have is).
Click Save
You can now use this button to print your packing sheet and nudge the JOB to the pick up stage.
How to assign a custom template to JDS