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Overview: Using QuickBooks with Tudodesk.
Overview: Using QuickBooks with Tudodesk.
Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over 2 years ago

We are accepting business into to our Zapier + QuickBooks + Tudodesk integration. If you would like to participate contact [email protected]

Supports the following versions of QuickBooks:

  • U.S.

  • Canadian

  • U.K.

  • Desktop

  • Cloud

If you use Quick Books for managing your accounts you can save duplicate re-typing by sending invoices and customers in to QB from Tudodesk.

QuickBooks Desktop

If you have QB Desktop, you will require a copy of the IIF transaction creator from Big Red Consulting. IIF Creator is a separate application you install on your local machine and connects to QB.

QuickBooks Cloud

If you have QB Cloud, you can connect Tudodesk to it using Zapier. Zapier moves info between your cloud applications automatically, so you don't have to. To get started, you will need to create an account and connect your QB Cloud account. The Tudodesk integration is in private Beta; contact support for help on making this work.

Getting ready to use QuickBooks + Tudodesk.

Before you start using QB with Tudodesk, there are some critical steps to take; these steps are the same for both Desktop and Cloud versions.

  1. Confirm/map tax settings in QB with Tudodesk.

Importing customers

Depending on what version you have, you should export your customer list to import it into Tudodesk.

The data format QB for both Desktop and Cloud is different from how customers are stored in Tudodesk, and you will need to map the data when you import it. Our import tool will make this is easy for you to do.

Map sales taxes before you import.

A critical part of importing customers is making sure they have the correct TAX status in Tudodesk. Before you import, make sure your sales taxes in both QB and TD match.

How to map a sales tax

  1. Goto your sales tax settings in QB and view your sales tax rates.

  2. Go to settings in Tudodesk and scroll down to the tax section.

  3. Open the Tax rates and groups.

  4. Edit/Add a matching Tax rate in Tudodesk for each rate you use in QB. Make sure that you copy the Tax name from QB and enter it exactly in Tudodesk. Pay careful attention to spaces, capitalization.

  5. Make sure/confirm your Default company tax rate is set.

  6. Be sure to save all your settings.

Check this article for more help on tax settings:

Create a CSV export of your QuickBooks customer list

Customer Tax Status

Before importing your customer list into Tudodesk, you will need to add a new column (Tax Exempt). This column will instruct TD if a customer is Exempt from TAX (Zero-rated). This column should be marked True or False. False, meaning the customer is taxable.

Importing your customer list

The following table outlines the essential information you should import from QuickBooks into Tudodesk. If your list has more columns, don't worry. You can omit these when you import using our CSV importer.

First name

The first name of the customer.

Last name

The last name of the customer.


The email address of the customer.


The customer's phone number.

Mobile number

The customer's mobile number in international format . +12481237654.

Company name

The name of the company that customer uses if applicable.


The first line of the customer's address.


The city the customer lives in.


The province or state the customer lives in

Zip code

The postal or zip code for the customer's address.


The country the customer lives in.

Payment terms

Valid values are COD, NET7, NET10, NET20, NET30, NET60, NET90, PIA.


Additional information about the customer.

Tax exempt

Indicates if the customer is tax exempt. (true or false)

To import your customer list refer to this article:

Importing products from QuickBooks in Tudodesk

The steps to import the product list into Tudodesk are the same.

Product Tax Status

Before importing your product list into Tudodesk, you will need to add a new column (Tax Exempt). This column will instruct TD if a product is Exempt from TAX (Zero-rated). This column should be marked True or False. False, meaning the product is taxable.

Read this article below to import your QuickBooks CSV

Exporting Invoices from Tudodesk into QuickBooks Desktop

If you have QB Desktop, you will require a copy of the IIF transaction creator from Big Red Consulting. IIF Creator is a separate application you install on your local machine and connects to QB.

You can learn how to export your invoices below:

Sending Jobs or Invoices from Tudodesk into QuickBooks using Zapier.

Our QuickBooks integration uses Zapier. You will require a separate Zapier account. Sign up here.

Follow these steps in this article below:

Considerations before we implement the Link

There are several ways in which you can set up the Quick Books + Tudodesk integration via Zapier.

  1. Send completed JOBS from Tudodesk to QB as draft Invoices ready for sending.

  2. Send new JOBS from Tudodesk to QB as draft Invoices ready for sending.

  3. Send Paid invoices in Tudodesk to QB as Sales receipted in Tudodesk.

You should also make sure you have completed the following steps:

  1. Set up TAX in Tudodesk to match QB if applicable (see below).

  2. Imported customers from QB with tax and payment if applicable.

  3. Imported or set up products/services in Tudodesk.

Handling Tax.

If new customers or existing ones are used for creating Jobs or Invoices, it is important to make sure the right tax code is used. You will also want to make sure that when Zapier creates the invoice in QB again, the correct Tax codes/rates are used.

I don't charge sales taxes.

Set the Tax Code on the ZAP to your desired No Tax/VAT. (we will add instructions shortly).

I charge one tax rate for all.

Set the Tax Code on the ZAP to your desired local/state Tax/VAT rate. (we will add instructions shortly)..

I charge different taxes or no taxes for different products or customers

To do this, you would set up the tax rates in both QB and Tudodesk and match the names in both applications, so they are the same. You can then map the tax codes from TD-->QB using a look-up table in your ZAP. (we will add instructions shortly).

Handling payment terms

The handling of payment terms is similar to taxes. Here are the options

All customers are COD/Due on receipt, or 30 days Net.

Set the terms directly in the ZAP to your desired term.

Customers may have different terms.

Use a look-up table in your ZAP to map payment terms from TD to QB.

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