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How to import customers lists
How to import customers lists
Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over a year ago

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You should now upload data in the new data view. You can access this from the settings options in the side application menu read more


  • Tudodesk Back-office

  • Mac or PC

What's this for?

If you have a customer list that you want to use in Tudodesk, you can enter it into a customer CSV file and then import the CSV file into your Tudodesk back office. You can also batch enter customers into our import tool.

What you should know

  1. You can manually batch enter customers from the Import tool.

  2. You can create a CSV file and import it using the import tool.

  3. You can import your customer lists from other applications such as Vend POS or QuickBooks.

  4. You can bulk update (synchronize) contacts from the third-party applications.


When you import customers using a CSV file, Tudodesk creates a customer record for each email address in the file. Customers with duplicate email addresses are skipped during an import. Only the last record with the duplicated email address is imported.

How to import your customers

  1. From Tudodesk back office, click people in the side menu bar.

  2. Click Create New in the top menu bar.

  3. From the Import CSV tool, select Upload data from file.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to map your CSV columns to the required columns in Tudodesk.

  5. When you completed the import steps, your data will be uploaded. Depending on the size of your file, this may take a few minutes.

1000 row restriction

You can only import customer CSV files that are 1000 rows or smaller. To get around this restriction, you can use multiple CSV files to import your customer records.

Importing from customer lists from third-party applications

If you import your data from third-party apps, you should map the applications customer Id (unique) to Tudodesk using the Third-party link Id column. The Link Id is helpful if you re-upload your data again to add new customers or update existing customers. When you upload a customer with a Link Id, we check if that Id exists and update any existing customer matched. The Link Id prevents you from re-creating customers that already exist.

If your third party application does not export a customer ID, you don't need to worry.

Merge contacts: Importing a CSV customer list, you exported from Tudodesk.

If you export a customer list from Tudodesk, you can edit it in a spreadsheet tool such as Google Sheets and re-import it. This will merge your new list. Updating existing customer data and adding new customers that are in the new sheet but do not exist. When you do this, it is crucial to map the Tudodesk Id column. The Id is a unique identifier we will use to look up existing customers and update with the contents of your new file.

Import rules for merging contacts where the Tudodesk Id exists:

  1. To instruct the importer to run a merge the Tudodesk Id must exist on a row.

  2. The importer will attempt to fine a matching contact for the Tudodesk Id.

  3. If a match is found ALL columns that have data will be used to update the existing record data. It's a good practice to only include data in the column(s) where the data changes.

  4. If the Tudodesk Id does not match or does not exist the row (contact) is added as a new entry.


  1. Export your customer data

  2. Copy any row you edit into a new sheet (this makes a smaller sheet of edits)

  3. Make sure you copy at least the Tudodesk ID in each row.

  4. You do not need to include all the columns. You can include only the columns you are editing, for example Payment terms and Tax Status.

  5. Re-import the smaller sheet to merge your edits.

Synchronize (Sync) data between Tudodesk and a third-party application.

You may want to periodically keep your Tudodesk contact data in sync with a third party application. You can only do this if your third-party application exports a unique identifier for each contact row. Tudodesk can map this identifier to your existing customers, using it as a look-up to see if the row already exists.

When you import or re-import your third-party data, map the third-party identifier to the Third-party link Id column. Refer to the Merge rules above for more detail on how we sync data.

CSV customer file format

CSV file headers are case sensitive—their capitalization must match the examples that appear in the following table.

First name

The first name of the customer.

Last name

The last name of the customer.


The email address of the customer.


The customer's phone number.

Mobile number

The customer's mobile number in international format . +12481237654.

Company name

The name of the company that customer uses if applicable.


The first line of the customer's address.


The city the customer lives in.


The province or state the customer lives in

Zip code

The postal or zip code for the customer's address.


The country the customer lives in.

Shipping address

Shipping address separated by commas.

Payment terms

Valid values are COD, NET7, NET10, NET20, NET30, NET60, NET90, PIA.

Tax Id or ref

The customers TAX, VAT, EORI numbers.


Additional information about the customer.

Third party link Id

Any ID associated to this customer from a third-party application

Tudodesk Id

Tudodesk UUID associated with this customer (available from a Tudodesk export).

Opt-in transaction messages

Sets whether or not the customer agrees to subscribe to transactional emails such as invoices or estimates.

Opt-in marketing messages

Sets whether or not the customer agrees to subscribe to email marketing.

Tax exempt

Indicates if the customer is tax exempt. (true or false)

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