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Export customer invoices into Quick Books Desktop (new version).
Export customer invoices into Quick Books Desktop (new version).
Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over 2 years ago

For the older legacy export please refer to the instructions here.

Supports the following QuickBooks desktop versions.

  • U.S.

  • Canadian

  • U.K.

If you use Quick Books desktop for managing your accounts, you can export your invoices or jobs in CSV format and import in QuickBooks using the IIF transaction creator from Big Red Consulting.

The QB exporter can be run from the batch menu of either the document segment or the invoice board view.

Exporting invoices or jobs

The first step is to decide the best route to create invoices in QB. Although Tudodesk has its own invoicing feature, the better route is to not create invoices in TD, but to export the jobs you run directly into QB, and have QB raise the invoices against these JOBS. This reduces steps and keeps things much cleaner and simpler.

Setting up your job board to manage the invoicing step.

To help your team ensure all the jobs are invoiced the best practice is to make sure you have a clear step on your job board to raise invoices. This can be accomplished by utilising the 'Completed' step of your job board or adding an additional step 'Invoice'. If for example all jobs are invoiced after they are shipped the best practice is to add an 'Invoice' step after 'Ship', have your workshop team move each job from 'Completed' to 'Invoice'. Your accounts team would then export all jobs on the 'Invoice' step to QB and then finally move the jobs to a 'Done' step after they are exported.

An example of how this might look is below:

  1. Completed

  2. Ship

  3. Invoice

  4. Done

How to open the exporter from the Invoice board.

  1. Navigate to the boards view.

  2. Select the board from the left side board menu you will use to export invoices.

  3. Navigate to list that has the invoices to export (for example Invoice - we discussed this above). Select one or more invoices from the list to export by marking the check box in the left side column.

  4. Click the Batch menu button on the right side of the board menu bar.

  5. Select QuickBooks CSV to open the exporter.

How to open the exporter from the document segment view.

The document segment view helps you create filtered reports of your documents, for example: all paid invoices, or all invoices not archived.

  1. Navigate to the document segment view

  2. Click Add filter.

  3. Select Board.

  4. Select Invoices.

  5. Apply any additional filters required.

  6. You can save your list using the Save option. Your list will always show the most recent invoices that match your filters.

  7. Select one or more invoices from the list to export by marking the check box in the left side column.

  8. Click the Batch menu button on the right side of the board menu bar.

  9. Select QuickBooks CSV to open the exporter.

Note Tudodesk exports files in CSV format which is widely observed by other applications. Quick Books does not allow for the importing of CSV files. To import transactions, you need to purchase IIF Transaction Creator which will convert our files into IIF format and import transactions into Quick Books.

This Quick Books exporter tool.

The exporter tool will help you export your invoices in QB format ready for importing.

Transaction Account

Enter account to post your sales items to usually Accounts Receivable.

Sales Account

Enter the AR account name where you want your sales items posted. This is a default value and can be overridden at the product level.

Tax Account

If you charge GST, VAT or Sales Tax;

Enter the tax rate display name as it appears in Quick Books. If the tax rate name contains words and a percentage, enter it in full as it appears in QB, for example, 15% GST or Sales Tax.

Important: If you charge multiple sales Tax rates on your invoices (different rates on sales lines) you will need to map your Tudodesk Tax codes to QB:

  1. Click the Settings cog in the bottom left navigation bar of Tudodesk.

  2. From the settings view, scroll down to the Sales Tax section.

  3. Click Tax rates and groups.

  4. Locate your first Tax Type, Click to edit.

  5. Enter the tax rate display name as it appears in QB. If the tax rate name contains words and a percentage, enter it in full as it appears in QB, for example, 15% GST or Sales Tax.

  6. Repeat for all required QB tax accounts.

If you need to set-up Tax rates in Tudodesk follow this Tutorial.

Date Format

This is set automatically to match your locale settings in Tudodesk.

Update: Mark invoices after they are exported.

To help you manage your invoice exports you can mark invoices when they are exported. This will help you manage what invoices have been exported and what invoices need exporting.

You can mark invoices

  • As archived

  • Using a color label

Downloading your CSV invoice file

  1. Click Download CSV File to download the file to your local computer. Your settings are automatically saved, so they are remembered next time you run the export tool.

  2. If you have marked invoices to be archived or labelled the tool will update each invoice to reflect your settings.

  3. You can import your CSV File into Quick Books using the IIF Creator (purchased separately).

  4. Invoices are posted into Quick Books using the Tudodesk invoice number appended with 'TD' for example 'INV00100TD'.

Importing your CSV into IIF Creator

Make sure you have IIF set to multi-row & Detail/distribution rows only (see below).

Make sure you have mapped the sales, transaction, and tax accounts in Tudodesk exactly as they are shown in QB.

For more information or help with IIF creator:

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