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All CollectionsJob and repair ticketing
Understanding how to manage, update and track job tickets.
Understanding how to manage, update and track job tickets.

Tudodesk helps you track the progress of your job, repair tickets through the life-cycle of the job, repair process.

Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over 5 years ago

If you followed along in parts one and two you should have your first ticket open.

Tudodesk helps you track the progress of your job, repair tickets through the life-cycle of the job, work or repair you carry out. 

Using the basic statuses outlined below, you will know exactly what stage a ticket is in, providing a clear definable indicator for you, your team and customers.

The ticket life-cycle indicates:

  1. New Jobs

  2. Jobs Queued

  3. Jobs on Hold

  4. Jobs In-progress

  5. Jobs completed and ready for collection, shipping

The standard Job, Repair Ticket status and what they mean.

Your account ships with a standard job board life-cycle. The names of each status can be edited to suit your specific requirement. 

  • Draft (Check-in)
    When new tickets are added they are automatically set to "Draft" or check-in.

  • Queued
    When a job has been checked-in, and all the information has been gathered the Job should be queued. This is a clear indicator to your work-shop team that a new job is ready and queued to be processed. This status represents a sort of "order-book" for work in hand that is not in-progress. 

  • In-progress
    When the job is picked to be started it should be updated to the in-progress status. This is useful as it removes the job from the Queued state so your team know this job is under-way. 

  • On-hold
    Sometimes a job can not be completed. It may require parts, attention from another team member or the customer. Tickets on this status "need attention" and help your team stay on top of "side-steps" that can prevent a job from completing.

  • Completed
    After a job has completed it may require invoicing, packing, shipping or collection. The "Completed" status helps you identify those tickets and ensures those final steps are completed.

  • Returned/Shipped
    The returned status is the final step to indicate a job has been completed. When jobs land on this stage they are generally "closed" or archived which in-turn removes them from the board.

  • Cancelled
    If a job should cancel it should be set to "Cancelled" and archived so that it is removed from the job board view.

(if you have edited your life-cycle status's or we have installed a custom board these status's may differ.)

Updating the Job life-cycle status.

If you followed parts one and parts two of this series on creating your first job ticket should have an open ticket on the draft/check-in status. 

Depending on how your business checks in jobs you probably want to mark the job as "Queued" or "In-progress" (see above).

How to update the Job Status:

  1. Click on a status in the status bar

  2. Enter an internal comment or note in the box provided.

  3. Click the "Update status" button.

  4. If you added the your first ticket using your email. You will receive an automated status update informing you of the status change.

🎉Congratulations your first Job, Repair ticket should be Queued or In-progress!

What happens when you update a ticket status?
After you update the status the ticket will be instantly moved to it's new status. At the same time any "Automated event" that is set-up to trigger will be executed. In standard set-up, your job has automated email updates that triggers to the customer. You can learn more about these above.

Here is what happens:

  1. The ticket status and all connected devices are updated instantly.

  2. The status update is logged in the activity feed for both the ticket, project and board.

  3. Any active automated event is executed (more on this later).

  4. Any automated event is written into the activity feed.

Understanding the Job board.

No matter what you call it a Job, Repair, or Work Order, in Tudodesk, we refer to these as Job tickets. Job tickets contain all of the information about the job you are carrying out for a customer; they represent the work you do. Job tickets live on your job board and progress along the pipeline as their status updates. When tickets are completed or cancelled, they can be archived. Archiving tickets removes them from the Job board. This helps your team stay focused on jobs in-hand.

Printing a copy of the Job, Repair Ticket.

After you have checked in and updated your first job, repair ticket you may want to print a copy for your own records, perhaps to travel with the customers Job as a job-traveller, or as a copy for your customers records. 

You can print tickets in the following ways

  1. Using built in browser print.
    Print a a copy of the Job ticket to your local printer. 

  2. Using Print Node.
    You can set-up and activate the integration with Print Node to print tickets automatically to any local or cloud printers.

  3. Use the automated events to send a PDF copy by email.
    You can automatically send your customer a confirmation with a PDF copy of the Job Ticket after check-in.

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