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How to automatically survey customers
How to automatically survey customers

Grow your business, get insights from customers, and grow your Google local search fan-base with our automated survey platform.

Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over a year ago

You can automate survey requests to your customers at any stage of your customer project life-cycle.

Tudodesk makes it easy to nail the timing of when you ask customers for a survey and automates asking your top promoters for a review on Google helping you rapidly grow a substantial local-search fan-base.

Once set up your business will rapidly win a local-search fan-base and ultimately improve traffic to your business.


  1. Set-up macros to send the survey.

  2. Set-up the timing to send the Survey request.

  3. Create a Google business page review link.

  4. Sent up an automation to request a Google Review.

Feature update

You can now save time by using an automation to fully automate your survey sends. Follow the tutorial below for a fully automated survey solution.

Set up a Macro to automatically request surveys at the right time.

Depending on your project / job workflow you will want to send a survey request once the job has completed and the customer has exited your workflow. This may be when the Job completes, the customer pays, or goods are shipped. You should identify this moment in your workflow (the board and stage where the customer exits.)

If you have not yet used macros, they are buttons you can create at various stages of your workflow to automate many tasks in one click. They help you create business rules and automation into simple action buttons. A simple example is marking a job as "Completed", Archiving the Job and sending a survey.

In my example; I will use the "returned" stage of my Job board. This means I am going to request a survey when a job is marked as "Returned" Since an existing macro on my "Ready" stage to mark the job as "Returned" all I need to do is edit that macro to copy my Job to a Survey and send that survey.

  1. Identify the board and exit stage where you want the survey to be sent.

  2. Add a macro on the proceeding stage. In my example my jobs are marked as "Ready" when the job is completed. Then when the customer collects we mark the job as "Returned". So, I add a macro on the "Ready" stage.

  3. I will instruct the macro to update the status of the Job to "Returned. (Your stage may be different) and archive it.

  4. I also instruct the macro to create a new document (in this case a survey) and automatically mark the survey as "Sent" (see the options below)

5. Save/Publish the macro.

If you don't know how to add or edit macros you can learn more here:

Adding a dedicated "Survey" macro.

You may prefer to just add a "Survey" macro at one or more points in your workflow.

For example when:

  • A job is completed.

  • A job is Shipped.

  • A job is collected.

  • An Invoice is paid.


  1. Identify the stage where you want the macro.

  2. Use the macro bar to create a new macro.

  3. Name the macro "Send survey"

  4. Set the options in section 8. (see the screen shot above)

  5. Save the macro.

Fine tuning the time the survey is sent.

Normally the macros will fire the send event with-in a few seconds sending the survey email to your customer. You may want to delay this by a few minutes, hours or even days. You can fine tune the sending of the survey by adding a delay to the send event email.

  1. Go-to your surveys board.

  2. Click Show menu.

  3. Select Automated events.

  4. From the list of automated emails select "Survey request, auto-sender"

  5. Change the Scheduled time (see below) in my example I want to delay the send 30 mins until the customer has left our premises. If you ship jobs these may be delayed by days.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Turn the automation ON.

Add delayed survey reminders

You can increase your survey response rate by staging multiple requests for a survey over a period of time. You can add multiple NPS survey requests

  • 1 day reminder

  • 3 day reminder

  • 5 day reminder

Create a Google review link

The next step is to create your Google review link - Learn more

  1. If you do not have a Google review link, use the link below to look-up your business place Id using the look-up tool:

  2. Add you Google place ID to the the URL below:[place ID]
    (replace [place ID] with the ID you obtain in step 1.)

  3. Paste this link somewhere safe, we will be using it in a moment.

Google review link generator

Use the link below to look up your google review link using your Google places business name:

Set-up an email to request a review on Google

We suggest you only request reviews from customers who rate your business 9 or 10. This will grow positive reviews on Google.

  1. Go-to your surveys board.

  2. Click Show menu.

  3. Select Automated events

  4. From the list of automated emails select Survey promoter, auto-follow-up

  5. Scroll down to the CTA, Call-to-action URL box.

  6. Paste the Google review link URL you created above into this box

  7. Click Save.

  8. Optionally you can edit the language used in this email.

Recap - what we have set-up

  1. We created our direct Google review link so customers can easily review us on Google with a link.

  2. We added a macro to automate the sending of a survey requesting customers rate our business.

  3. We set-up the automated email that is sent to customers when they rate us 9 or 10 so they receive a personal email asking if they would give us a review on Google.

  4. We added the review link.

Whilst complex this procedure ensures every customer gets surveyed and all those customers who love our business are given a direct link to our Google review page where they can share our business and hopefully rate us with 5 stars.

Once set up your business will rapidly win a growing local-search fan-base and ultimately improve traffic to your business.

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