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Introducing: The new Job Display System.
Introducing: The new Job Display System.

Martin Webb takes a deep look at the new Job Display System from Tudodesk...

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Written by Martin
Updated over 5 years ago

Hey work-shoppers!

Ever wanted an easy to view, live job display board that intelligently helps your workshop know when and what to do next? We've just built it! 

I am introducing the new Job display system – from Tudodesk.

What is the Job Display System?

The Job Display System is a tool that helps your team to set-up either a single stand-alone display – or multiple displays that prompts what jobs need to be processed and when.

You can use it as well, on a IOS or Android devices as a personal job management tool – on the go! 


Easy peasy.

JDS connects to your existing Tudodesk account – so any job tickets your front desk push to the workshop will pop on your JDS displays based on each device's filter settings.

It's designed to work in workshops, production shops and repair centres.

You can run the JDS on a desktop, tablet, phone or even as a large screen wall-mounted order display unit.

Some of the neat things you can do with JDS

  1. Paperless order book.

  2. Paperless Job Sheets and Travellers.

  3. Intelligent Job prompting using RAG (red, amber, green) warning system.

  4. Filter tickets using multiple job statuses.

  5. Filter jobs by the agent.

  6. Filter jobs by labels.

  7. Batch remote printing of job sheets and job travellers.

  8. Batch job updates –  Process jobs in batches.

Why did we build the Job Display System?

The Job Display System was developed to help workshop teams manage and track orders on the shop floor – using mobile devices or a large screen display. We went about building a simple to use display screen that helps workshops and repair centres update paperless tickets.

But, the beautiful part is the ability for each device to filter tickets down to precisely what the individual user or station needs to see.

RAG (Red, Amber, Green) Traffic light warning

When you're managing a large order book, communicating to the whole team, what jobs need to be processed first can become cumbersome. Especially when new jobs are constantly being added.

The RAG (Red, Amber, Green) warning system can ease this pain by giving your whole team a visual indicator of what jobs need doing next. It uses the "Due date" setting of each ticket to provide a red, amber or green warning indicator.  It does this intelligently, based on whether your job turn-around is days, weeks, or months (this can be adjusted in settings).

The Display indicates in the top bar how many jobs are assigned to each RAG indicator. This offers a visual indicator of the "current-load" or tickets.

You can filter the board on Red + Amber tickets to filter out Jobs that are not due. Or you can sort the display so jobs are queued by most urgent first.

The sensitivity of the RAG warning system can be adjusted based on your job completion cycle (days, weeks or months). This adjusts the sensitivity of whether a job is urgent (red) nearing urgency (amber) or OK (green).

You will find the RAG warning sensitivity setting in the settings screen under the account settings (click on your avatar in the top right of the navigation bar).

One-click printing from any device to any printer

Printing job sheets, job travellers or labels can be a pain from mobile devices and cloud apps. We have crushed this pain with the introduction of Print Node – You can read more about this here. We integrated JDS with Print Node so you can print single documents or even entire batches with just a single click, from any device while moving around the workshop.

How to get started

Assuming you have an existing Tudodesk account. If you don't you can request a free trial account at

You can access JDS from any device using the URL below:

The first step is to log in with your Tudodesk credentials. 

If you have multiple job boards, you will be prompted to choose which board you want to display on your device. JDS will remember your choice on future logins.

Your JDS will automatically start loading tickets for that board.

The next step is to set-up any filters that will help restrict what tickets appear on your JDS. 

The first filter you should consider is whether you want to restrict tickets to that of the logged-in agent. By doing this, you will be able to assign job tickets to agents on your back end and then send those tickets automatically to those agent when they log in.

To do this, click on the agent avatar top right, select settings and scroll down to the section "Only display tickets for the logged-in agent." 

On the other hand, you may want to filter tickets by status. You can do this by clicking the filter menu on the top bar. You can turn on/off filters in the list. The status filters are useful as you can restrict what tickets appear on your devices.

When you set-up filters on your JDS, those settings are remembered at the device level. This is important as this allows you to configure each JDS to display tickets at different stages of your workshop flow.

You can also filter tickets by 'label color' more on this later, by RAG warning and using a custom search.

Setting up multiple displays, devices for workflow prompting in teams.

Each JDS saves its layout, filter and sort settings on the device. Saving the device's settings in this way was designed to allow for complex chaining of multiple stations around a busy workshop. The idea is you set-up a device at each station – set the filters to match the required status's. Then, as each station completes tasks and updates tickets,  those tickets get automatically pushed to the next JDS station and prompted for completion. Using JDS in this way creates a simple yet powerful automated job traveller system that is paperless.

Searching for tickets

Tickets can be easily located by searching for any text or value in a column including JOB ID, customer, ref and title.

Managing job batches using labels

Often you may want to process jobs in batches. This is where you would take a selected given number of tickets and update/process them together as a batch. This is made easy  with coloured labels and the batch options menu.

Labelling tickets.

You can easily create a batch of jobs by first selecting the jobs on the board one by one. When you do this, the batch menu will appear and detail how many tickets you have chosen. From the batch menu, you can color your ticket selection by selecting a label from the list.

Updating ticket status by batch

Updating the status of a batch of tickets is also easily done using the batch menu. You can instantly update a batch of tickets to a specified status with just a couple of clicks!

Flexible grid layout on any device

At the heart of the JDS is a flexible grid component designed to handle stacks of info even on small screens.

  • Horizontal scrolling

  • Movable columns

  • Sizable columns

  • Hideable columns

You can easily hide unnecessary columns by clicking the column menu button. Again these settings are remembered at device level.

Move to paperless job travellers.

The Job Display System is a great way to shift your paper-based workshop to paperless. The simple to use job display screen offers easy to use features to help you and your team get jobs done, tickets updated and customers kept in the loop quickly. Until now, one of the biggest gripes of using a job management system was finding and updating tickets rapidly while on the shop floor. This is an easy to implement system every service, workshop based business can take to embrace a better cloud based existence.

The JDS makes this a breeze while bringing some elegant tricks of its own.

The addition of JDS to the Tudodesk suite of tools brings an almost automated, automatic platform to run your service, manufacturing, workshop business in the cloud. Set-up a trial account or request a live demo at:

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