How to Add Instructions to Each Stage on Your Work Orders Board
Our latest feature upgrade allows you to add instructions to each stage of your work order boards. This valuable addition helps your team understand what needs to happen at each stage of the workflow. Follow the instructions below to understand how to use this new feature.
Accessing the Board
From your main dashboard, navigate to the board for which you wish to add instructions to a stage.
On the board, locate the stage you want to edit by identifying its place in the workflow.
Editing the Stage
Once you've found the stage you wish to edit, hover over the stage name in the board header bar.
A pencil icon should appear. Click on this icon to open the stage edit side panel.
Using the Stage Edit Side Panel
The side panel is where you can modify four features of the stage:
The Stage Name
Here, you can rename the stage to reflect better the tasks or objectives it represents.
The Stage Instructions
You can add instructions for completing tasks at this stage. Again, this is a new feature designed to provide clarity and specificity for your team's work.
After making these modifications, remember to save your changes before closing the side panel.
The Percentage Completion
You can now assign a percentage completion value to each stage, providing a clearer picture of the progress towards completing a work order.
The Stage Group Color
Assign a color to this stage. This new feature allows you to group stages by color, aiding the visual organization of your work order board.
We hope these new features make navigating and managing work orders easier for your team.