Tudodesk back-office (Browser)
What's this for?
How to search for existing customers or create a saved list of customers.
How to find historical or active jobs by customers.
What you should know
You can quickly look-up customers by name, email or phone.
You can filter customers and create smart lists.
You can view a customers history from the profile page.
You can find customers existing documents and jobs from directly from search results or from the document search.
Steps for quick search
Click the people icon in the side menu bar (5th option).
Search by name, first or last, or email for a customer using the menu bar search option.
Accessing customers historical jobs and documents
Do a customer search (follow the above steps).
You can click on the search results to open the customer's profile page. From the customers profile you can access historical jobs and documents.
If you hover the returned search results in the left side column two buttons will appear for quick access to customers documents (jobs) and messages.
Steps for using filters
Click the people icon in the side menu bar (5th option).
Use the + Add a filter option to apply one or more filters.
Use the Save segment option to save your list as a smart view.
Save lists always show the latest documents that match your filters.