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How to invoice a deposit or part payment
How to invoice a deposit or part payment
Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over 3 years ago


  • Tudodesk back-office

  • Mac or PC

What's this for?

Collecting a part payment on an estimate or job, a deposit, or payment in advance.

What is a deposit or pre-payment, and why do I need one?

Often when you take on work, you may want to get some money upfront. The first word that springs to mind is a deposit, but be careful. Deposits are money held or secured against a service and can give the impression that they are refundable. Pre-payments are what they mean: A payment given up-front for something. Pre-payments are better practice to use when asking customers for some money up-front. If the job gets cancelled or un-completed by either side, you may not need to hand the money back.


What you should know

  • You can log charges or costs using Estimates or Jobs.

  • You can copy an Estimate or Job to an invoice for part or full payment.

  • When you copy documents, we link the parent document to the source document so you can easily circumnavigate from an invoice back to the source document (the estimate or job)

  • When you copy a document, we list the "sub-documents" (children) on the parent, so for example, you can see a log of all invoices for a job.


  1. Navigate the document that has the charges you want to invoice for payment (an estimate or job)

  2. Scroll down to the "sub-documents" section.

  3. Click create in the subheading bar.

  4. The side menu opens.

  5. Select "Invoice"

  6. Confirm the Title of the document in the "Create document" window.

  7. Confirm any files you want to attach from the options listed.

  8. Confirm any shipping from the options listed.

  9. Click "Create"

  10. A new invoice is created and opened for editing.

  11. Make any edits to the summary; references, for example, if you are raising a part payment, you may want to edit the summary as follows "Part-payment against our JOB 10001.

  12. Calculate how much you want to Invoice

  13. Remove the existing charges in the money section; these will be for the fall amount.

  14. Add a new line, "Part-payment as agreed." enter the amount in the unit column and one in the quantity column.

  15. Confirm you have edited the information and mark the invoice as "Sent" to send when ready.

See also

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