
Invoices are documents you give to your customers for the sale of products or services

Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over a week ago

Invoices are documents given to your customers for the sale of products or services. It provides a record of products or services sold and establishes a legal obligation that the customer owes you money for the same.

Lets go back to Brian's custom guitar shop to see how an Invoice is used.

Scenario: Brian gets orders from his customers for the repair and build of customer guitars. He completes the work and then creates an invoice by converting the accepted estimate. He adds any additional charges and the sends the invoice to the customer. The customer views the invoice in the client portal and then makes payment online.

Life-cycle of an Invoice

  • Draft 

  • Sent

  • Paid

  • Void

Below you will find multiple articles that will help you when managing and creating invoices in Tudodesk:

Create and Send Invoices

Managing Invoices

Invoice Actions

  • Create a packing slip from an Invoice

  • Create a Job sheet from an Invoice

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