How to split each line of a PO or Estimate into separate Jobs
You log ten parts or items in an Estimate, and you want to split each item out of the estimate and into different jobs. Or let's say you have a PO for ten parts and want to track each part individually.
What you need to know:
You can split the line items in any document into multiple new documents of any type except (tickets, leads or surveys).
You can split individual or multiple lines into one new document.
When you split the lines into separate documents, you can customize what information is copied where.
When a master document is split into multiple sub-documents: The new documents are created as Sub-Documents (listed under the sub-documents tab), and the master document is linked as the parent to each child. The master document is not affected or changed.
You have to options to split the line items in a document:
Multiple document mode
Splits each line into a new source document.Single document mode
Splits one or more selected lines into one new source document.
Open the document to split.
Run the Split command. You can do this from the Actions menu, CMD K or by clicking the Split icon above the item lines area in the project view.
Select the destination board where the new sub-documents will be created from the dropdown.
Select the Mode (see above).
Click Next.
Select the item lines in the main panel to be created as sub-documents.
Select the settings in the left panel to control the details used in the new documents (see below).
Click Create.
Depending on the set-up of the destination board you are copying to, you will see any of the following settings:
This setting allows you to send the part no's from each line as the reference field in the new document. Or to use the reference in the master as the reference in the sub-document. This is useful when, for example, you have a PO or Estimate that lists separate items with serial numbers, and you want those serial numbers carried into the reference field on the new document.
This setting allows you to send the information field of each line as the reason field in the new document. Or to use the reason in the master document as the reason in the sub-document. This is useful when, for example, you have a PO or Estimate that lists separate items with Colors for each line, and you want that color carried into the reason field (color) of the new document.
This setting allows you to send the information field of each line as the summary field in the new document. Or to use the summary in the master document as the summary in the sub-document. This is useful when, for example, you have a PO or Estimate that lists separate items with instructions for each line, and you want that instruction carried into the summary field of the new document.
Prefix ID to title
Prefixes the source documents ID in the new document title. This makes it easy to refer to sub-documents by the parent document ID.
Append line Quantity to tittle
Appends the line QTY of the item being split into the title of the new document.