Tudodesk Back-office
Mac or PC
What's this for?
This tutorial will help you create a live list of all active jobs sorted by due date order.
What you should know
The live boards segment your jobs to open jobs by status. You may want a more generic report. You can build your own live lists that suit your requirements.
The live boards show open documents. When you archive a document, it becomes closed, and we remove it from the board. If you are not familiar with archiving, read this article to learn more.
How to create a smart view of open jobs by due date
Login to the back-office
Click the document list icon in the left side menu.
Remove any existing filters in the top filter bar.
Click 'Add filters'
Click 'Board'
Select your Job board from the pop up modal
Click 'Add filters'
Click 'Archive'
Click 'Open' from the modal
This will filter the results to all 'open' jobs.
Click on the due date heading in the report table to sort by due date.
Click 'Save smart list.'
Enter 'Jobs by due date' in the name box
Click 'Save'
This will save the list so you can return to it again in the side navigation list under 'Smart views'
How to print a report
Open the smart view from the smart view list in the side navigation.
If you want to print all results, check the first item only. Otherwise, you can check the individual rows to print.
Click the Batch menu in the sub-navigation bar.
If you want to print all rows, click Select All.
Click Print Report.
How to export a CSV file of your smart list
Select on item in your list (checkbox) to activate the batch menu in the top right menu bar
From the batch menu select the Export CSV option.