Merge update the products and services: Import a CSV price list you exported from Tudodesk.
What is this for:
If you export your product list from Tudodesk, you can edit it in a spreadsheet tool such as Google Sheets and re-import it. When you re-import, it will merge edits, update existing items and add new ones.
What you need to know
You must include the product service SKU/CODE for the import tool to locate existing items and update them.
It's best only to include the columns that you change. For example: If you want to update your prices, edit your sheet to include only the SKU/CODE column and the price.
When merging or updating your data, make sure you download a copy as master and do a 1-row test first when you re-import your edited data to ensure you get the desired results.
Important: Before you attempt a merge, import. Export your product data and save it in a safe place.
Export your product data (keep this file as a master so if anything goes wrong, you can re-import it) rename this file master-products-csv.csv. Please keep it safe so you can use it as a rollback file.
Open the CSV in Google Sheets or Excel.
Copy any row you edit into a new sheet (this makes a more miniature sheet of edits.) or remove rows that do not change.
Make sure you copy at least the SKU code of each product and the columns that change, for example, price.
You do not need to include all the columns. You can consist of only the columns you are editing.
Export the new small sheet as a comma delaminated CSV.
Navigate to the product view in Tudodesk
Click Create New in the top menu.
Select Import CSV.
Follow the on-screen instructions to upload and load the data. Make sure you map the columns correctly, ensuring the product SKU/code is mapped.
It's a good idea to do a one-row test before attempting a large sheet. We also suggest you break large sheets into smaller batches of 200 rows at a time.
Import rules for merging contacts where the Tudodesk Id exists:
To instruct the importer to run a merge, the SKU must exist on a row.
The importer will attempt to find matching products for the SKU. If you edit the SKU, it will create a new product, but it will not remove the old. You would need to do this manually.
If we find a match, All the columns with data will be used to update the existing record. It's good to include data in the column(s) where the data changes.
If the SKU does not match or exist, the row is added as a new entry.