Product Update March 2022
Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over a week ago

I think it is essential to focus on being creative and positive in these unsettling times. We spend a ton of our time working on new features and even more time improving our UI and the services that power our platform. I love sharing our progress on building a Stella product for your team. It's not an easy task, so I hope you like what we are doing.

View schedule by assigned agent

This year our end goal is to dramatically improve and simplify the tools to help you manage, schedule and run jobs/repairs. As a result, we have just added two new features to the scheduler. The first will help you filter your scheduler to the assigned agent. You can find this option under the filters menu.

Customize what information you see on the scheduler.

We want to help you customize your scheduler to fit your job process. Therefore, under the view mode menu, you will find options to choose what information is shown for each scheduled event.

Options are to Hide/Show:

  • Job ID

  • Job title

  • Job ref

  • Assigned agent

  • Reason code (often renamed as color/finish)

Improvements to search

We have upgraded our search AI and UI components for:

  • Looking up customers from the new document view.

  • Looking up products and services to add to work orders, estimates and invoices.

The improvements under the hood should speed up searches and produce more precise results than previously found. In addition, we have created a brand new table view when searching for products in this way. More concise, easier to navigate.

Improvements to our importer

We have improved the importer, specifically when importing or updating customers from a CSV/Spreadsheet. These improvements are related to email and email CC. The importer will intelligently convert these columns into the resulting email and email CC fields. So, for example, if multiple emails are in the email column, they will be automatically moved into the CC column.

More improvements for document templates

We are adding more customizations to the templates:

  • Company name and address override - You can customize the address block specifically to a template. This allows for a different business name and address on a template to that entered under company settings.

  • Hide Discount column (stop customers for asking for discounts)

  • Hide Qty and Unit price (stop reverse engineering on your pricing)

What we are working on

  • Improvements to our SMS. Specifically, we plan to upgrade forms to use our dedicated SMS number input with international support. This will also be added internally in the back office for better SMS number capture.

  • We are activating MMS picture message support for SMS so customers can send photos or work/items.

  • Time Sheet management: We are adding support for time management. This is in addition to our already released stock adjustments module. These two modules are designed to help you track direct costs on jobs/repairs. The time module will allow you and your team to log time against work orders and jobs.

  • Tasking: We are working on new features to help you create tasks for jobs. We are adding due-by dates and tasks queues. Tasks queues will help you sub-process units of work for a job to your team. If the jobs you run require the scheduling of multiple tasks, this feature is what you need. In addition, you will be able to view these tasks on the scheduler so you can schedule various units of work for one work order on many schedules.

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