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Inventory management
Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over a year ago

Inventory management

Beta feature

This feature is in beta: It has recently been upgraded from Alpha. Beta features have some supporting documentation and have passed QA. However, some aspects of this feature, such as navigation, UI and how you access it, can change before being considered production-ready.


The Inventory adjustments list is where you can register the products you buy and use to carry out your work. This includes tracking raw materials such as paint, metal, or wood.

When you add an adjustment, details like the product, agent that used it, and Job it was used for are entered. Tracking your usage of consumables and parts in this way will help you track stock levels and usages.

How to access the inventory adjustments lists

At the time of writing, you can access the adjustments lists in 3-ways:

  1. From a product, marked as a stock item

  2. From a job, under the show menu view

  3. From the products view, under the create menu.

How to turn on inventory tracking for a product

  1. Locate the part or product in your price book.

  2. Open the product in edit view.

  3. Scroll down to the inventory section and turn it on.

  4. You can enter a min stock level warning.

  5. Click Save.

How to view stock movements for a product or part

  1. Open the product or item.

  2. Scroll down to the inventory section.

  3. Click Adjustments.

  4. The inventory adjustments view for the product will open.

How to post starting stock count

  1. Open the product or item.

  2. Scroll down to the inventory section.

  3. Click Adjustments.

  4. This opens the inventory adjustments view for the product.

  5. Click Adjustment.

  6. Select Movement type.

  7. Select Physical Count from the selector (6).

  8. Enter the total number of items in stock in the Qty box.

  9. *optional: Enter the total stock value (unit price x quantity in stock) in the Total value box.

  10. Click Save.

How to register new stock/received

  1. Follow the above steps (1-6).

  2. Select Receive from supplier.

  3. Enter the number of units received in stock in the Qty box.

  4. *optional: Enter total purchase price (unit price x quantity received) in the Total value box.

  5. Click Save.

How to register usage of stock

  1. Follow the steps above (1-6).

  2. Select Adjustment out.

  3. Enter the number of units used in stock in the Qty box.

  4. *optional: Enter the total value (unit price x quantity used) in the Total value box.

  5. Click Save.

How to post movements related to a Job.

When you use products to complete a job, it is a good idea to post those movements so that they are related. For example, connecting the stock movements jobs will help you track your usage on a job by job basis. You can also get a top-down view of what was used to complete a job from the work order.

  1. Locate the Job and open it in edit view

  2. Click Show menu.

  3. Select Inventory adjustments.

  4. Click Adjustment.

  5. Enter the number of units used in stock in the Qty box.

  6. *optional: Enter the total value (unit price x quantity used) in the Total value box.

  7. You can write any notes in the remarks box.

  8. Click Save.

How to view the stock adjustments related to a job.

  1. Locate the Job and open it in edit view

  2. Click Show menu.

  3. Select Inventory adjustments.

Coming soon

  1. Post stock movements and usage from JDS tablets
    We want to help you track the use of items, parts and consumables directly from the workshop floor, and track that usage against your jobs and work orders.


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