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How to track repairs by serial, case or identification number
How to track repairs by serial, case or identification number

Tudodesk has powerful features to help you track repairs or servicing by item or equipment serial, caseback or identification number.

Liliane avatar
Written by Liliane
Updated over 3 years ago

Tudodesk is the worlds #1 easiest to use repair centre software we provide an all-in-one repair solution to help you run an efficient repair centre. From booking new work, sending estimates, billing and growing 5 star reviews we provide all the tools you need.


  • Tudodesk Back-office

  • Mac or PC

What's this for?

This tutorial will help you manage repairs, servicing by serial number, case number or identification number.

What you need to know

  • You can log a serial, case or identification of items or equipment you repair, test or restore.

  • You can customize the reference field on your job/work order entry to show your specific ID requirements, for example 'Serial No', 'Case-back No' or 'Identification No'

  • You can customize your job or work order templates (PDF and Printable copies) to display your specific ID requirements.

  • You can look-up historical or current repairs/work orders by serial, case, identification numbers.

  • You can keep all photos, work-orders, invoices and estimates in the project folder linked by the identification number.

  • You can log re-occurring repairs/work-orders in the same project folder to keep a historical record of a specific item or piece of equipment over time.

  • You can set-up email and SMS reminders/notifications to remind customers when an item needs servicing.

How to customize your data entry to accept Serial, Case back or Identification numbers.

Tudodesk work orders, estimates and Invoices have the provision for a reference number. This field can be easily customized and is the perfect place to register your item or equipment identification numbers. In addition, it can be displayed in list and board views and is fully indexed by our search engine.

How to customize your printable paperwork and PDF templates

In addition, you will also want to customize your print and PDF templates to use the correct terminology for your reference/identification number. You can edit these using the template editor.

How to edit your document templates

Registering Serial, Case back, Identification numbers on your work orders, jobs.

Either from the create document screen or from the document view/edit screen, you should enter the item/equipment identification number in the reference field you created above.

How to locate documents by serial, case back or identification number

You can run an instant search in the search box for any item or equipment ID. Any document that holds that unique ID is returned, regardless of whether they are open or closed.

How to keep an open folder to log repeated work orders or repairs for the same item or piece of equipment

When you enter a new document, Tudodesk opens an invisible parent folder. The folder stores all related documents, files, messages, comments and activity feed. This is a powerful hidden feature that keeps everything connected in one place.

In addition, Tudodesk can link documents in a hierarchy where one document acts as the parent to another. A parent may have many children. For example, a work order may have an Invoice as a child and a packing sheet. Or a sales order may have many work orders (children). To activate this functionality, you should use the Sub documents feature. You can create an instant parent-child link using the Copy To feature under Show Menu.

  • When you copy one document to another, we create a parent-child link in the header of the parent document.

  • Children of a parent are shown under the Sub documents heading of the parent document.

  • Child documents are backed link to their parents in the header of said document.

How to add a new repair into an existing repair folder

From the search lookup screen (running a physical search by ID)

  1. Enter the Serial, Caseback or Equipment ID into the search box.

  2. Open the returned work order.

  3. Click Show Menu.

  4. Click Create New.

  5. The new work order is located in the same project folder but is not a child or the previous repair or constructs a direct link.

From the document create screen

  1. Search for the existing customer.

  2. From the list of historical projects, locate and select the desired repair (see below if you want to list the serial number here).

  3. Continue to create the work order/document.

Update: January 2022

We now automatically display the reference field under the project list. If you are using the reference field as a PO no, Serial ID, we display it under the customers historical projects making it easier to locate previous jobs by ref/id.

How to display the serial number in the historical project list

The work-around shown below is now superseded by the above update.

You can assign a serial number to the project/document title which will make it easier for you team to quickly locate historical documents and folders.

When you first create a new document/project the title is used as the project name. By adding the serial number to the end of your document title that serial ID will now display under project history, in activity feeds and documents.

From a previous work order of repair document

  1. Click Show Menu.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. The new work order is located in the same project folder but is not a child or the previous repair or constructs a direct link.

How to view repair history for an item or equipment by ID.

  1. Enter the ID into the search bar in board or document view.

  2. Open any returned document

  3. Click show menu

  4. Click documents - This returns work-order/document history.

  5. Click the radar/activity feed icon in the top navigation bar to return the entire feed of the project, items history.

How to locate repair history by using a customers name

  1. Click the contacts icon in the left side-bar

  2. Type a name or email address to run a search for the customer

  3. Open the customer profile view by clicking on any results returned

  4. From the profile view; locate any work-order, estimate or invoice history.

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