Creating a reliable Display Name for your QuickBooks ZAP
Supports the following versions of QuickBooks:
Zapier integration
What's this for
This article will help you make a reliable Lookup Display Name in Zapier for your Tudodesk ZAP.
See this article for full details:
Since you may not collect emails for all customers, the email lookup may not be the best option to help your ZAP find customers in QB. If this is the case, you can use the Display Name. To do this, we will use the Organization Name and Full Name from TD as the Display Name in QB. The basic concept is that we use the Organization name or empty the customer's Full Name.
November 2021 Update:
To help you use as few steps in your ZAP as possible we have added a dedicated "Display name" property to our hook that uses The Organization name or customers full name from TD. You therefore skip the step below and revert to select the Display Name in customer look-up action.
In your Zap, before the Find or Create Customer in QuickBooks Online step and after the Catch Hook step, add the action below.
Add a new action, select Text.
Select format by Zapier.
Under Set-up-action, select Default Value.
Use the Customer Organization field as the input value.
Use the Full Customer Name as the default value.
Click Test and save.
In your Find or Create Customer in QuickBooks Online use the Display Name and use the value found from your Text step shown below.