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Cancel a subscription
Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over 2 years ago

Cancel a subscription

A subscription can be for a paid on non-paid account. Only the Administrator can change or cancel a subscription. Each Tudodesk domain (organization) has one Administrator.

You can downgrade your plan. You do not have to cancel it. When you cancel a subscription, it does not instantly delete your data; instead, we archived it. If you reactivate your plan within 12 months, we will reactivate your data.

If you decide to cancel your subscription, to stop any monthly payment charges:

  1. Make sure you are the Administrator of the domain.

  2. Check your plan is not overdue.

  3. Take notice of the one month notice period for cancellation of a paid plan. We will continue to bill you during the cancellation period.

Can I get a refund from Tudodesk?

Tudodesk paid subscriptions are non-refundable, and Tudodesk will not prorate any fees for monthly, quarterly plans that are terminated before the end of the current period. You can cancel at any time their are no cancelation charges.

When does my plan Start

We issue a payment link. Your paid plan will start from the date of the payment link. If you are on our enterprise or start-up plan programs, any time used to set-up your account, carry out requests from you before you can use your account will not alter or change your payment date.

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