Often in a documents life-cycle, much of the initial information that was documented on a lead will be carried over all the way to the customer's invoice. For example if a customer files an inquiry (lead form) we want to be able to to copy the information onto an estimate with the minimum amount of human input possible to reduce inefficiency. Similarly the information contained within an invoice needs to be retained and transferred into a shipping note. Tudodesk's cloning feature makes these processes fast and accurate, saving you and your colleagues valuable time.
How to Clone a Document
After opening any document, click the show menu button shown below to reveal the document menu
Note: If you have not yet encountered the document menu please refer to our tutorial Exploring the Document Menu.
Click the 'Create' option shown below
Clicking 'Create' opens the copy menu, where you can select which document type you would like to create using the existing data in the current document.
Select whichever document type is applicable for your task, in this example we have used 'Estimate' as shown below
After selecting your document type, the document creation window will open in the format you have selected with all of the information already entered.
Cloning can be repeated for any document type allowing for fast and efficient administrative practices, saving valuable time for you and your team-mates.