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Exploring the Document Menu
Exploring the Document Menu

Exploring the features in the document menu and project explorer

Billy Webb avatar
Written by Billy Webb
Updated over 6 years ago

In this tutorial we will explore the core features in the slide out document menu.

The document menu carries all of the features associated with documents and projects, available in a slide out menu to reduce screen clutter and increase the simplicity of Tudodesk's everyday use. 

To access the Document Menu click the 'Show Menu' button in the top right corner of the screen

Clicking 'Show Menu' slides out the menu shown below

Once opened, the document menu will remain fixed and open to allow for the use of other features whilst still viewing and editing the document.

Note: scrolling on the document menu does not scroll the document itself, and vica versa.

Features of the document menu


When the document menu is opened, all associated project documents are listed in the project explorer along with the document menu features.

Select the document option shown below

This option access all the associated documents in the project, with the most recent documents featured at the top.

Clicking any of the documents in the project explorer will open the document for viewing. 

Tip: You can drag any of the files from the project explorer into the message composer to send a PDF copy to your customer. For more info see our video How to send a PDF copy of a document to your client using the message composer.


Similarly to documents, Tudodesk groups all the files for a project within the project explorer. If you or your customers upload files to a document, those files are automatically placed within the project, easily viewable in the project explorer.

Select the files option to view and access all the associated files within the project

Clicking an individual file opens a full-size version in the file viewer.

Tudodesk boasts powerful conversion software to make file viewing easy. Tudodesk converts the most common file types into user friendly versions that can be viewed on screen. Whether you have an image, a spreadsheet file, word document or PDF Tudodesk converts it as it is uploaded so you can view it on screen without the need for complicated document conversion software.

Tip: Files can be dragged from the project explorer onto your documents or messages as attachments.

Comments, notes

Comments update in real-time, making collaboration and communication faster and more efficient.

Select the comments option

Any notes posted in the project are displayed along with the agent and date/time.

Tip: Using the @ symbol in front of a users name (e.g. @martin) immediately notifies the user.

Note: Project comments are private between you and your colleagues.

Add Task

Opens the task creation dialogue. The task is related to the project and can be assigned to any agent. 

Checkout this tutorial for further detail Creating tasks for agents.

Create document

Creates a cloned copy of this document in another document's format. For example create an invoice from an Estimate. 

Checkout this tutorial for further detail How to copy documents for faster document creation.


Archives the current document in view.

Checkout this tutorial for further detail Archiving documents.

Preview as Customer

Opens the current document in the client portal for preview.

PDF, Print

Opens the print dialogue box.

Checkout this tutorial for further detail Printing documents.

Star Print

Prints the document to a connected IP network receipt/ticket printer.


Marks the current document with the selected label colour. 

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